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 Soy-free Pork, Chicken + 100% Grass Fed Beef

Do you or a loved one need a special diet due to allergies or chronic illness? Are you crazy busy running to doctor appointments or sports events and don’t think you can cook healthy? Do you care about how your food is raised? We do too!

We believe that happy, healthy animals make healthy, nutritious food, which helps you to be happy and healthy.


Our pigs are housed in deep bedded straw and fed grains grown on our certified Organic farm.  They are Soy free, Non-GMO, and happy.  They have room to run, play, and be a pig.


   This is what creates a great tasting, nutritious product.   


 “This is how I remember pork tasting. ”  

  “My son can only eat your meat.”  

  “I haven’t been able to eat pork for years,  but I can eat yours!” 

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About Us

Ed and Joyce Kreidermacher bought the farm now known as Pork & Plants in 1967.  Ed organized the farm as a farrow to finish hog operation and Joyce kept herself busy planting vegetables and some flowers, always sharing her knowledge and skills with neighbors and family members.  Each year Joyce's "hobby" greenhouse grew through word of mouth.  Her reputation for quality plants was well known.


Along with their children, Ed and Joyce built Pork & Plants to the business that it is today.  Now they are working closely with their son Eric and his family to pass on the farm and greenhouse to the next generation.  From Heritage pork to the vast selection of quality plants in our seasonal greenhouse, we put our best into everything we grow. 


 Quality products, grown responsibly,

 has always been the cornerstone of our

 family owned and operated farm. 


So you want good food?

Your whole idea about the food that you eat changed because you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease.  


You want to support local and sustainable farming.  


You run from one appointment to another, juggling family life you want to change but where do you start?

Organic Food Badge 14
Iceberg Lettuce

We know what it is like to make healthy meals when everything is so busy.  Between moving the cows to a new pasture, weaning pigs, laundry, and homeschooling We are always looking for healthy and easy meals.  There are seven of us so it takes a lot of healthy food.  


We have also had to heal from chronic Lyme’s disease.  Eliminating sugar and following a paleo diet helped in our wellness journey.  Now we are able to add in a little treat now and then, but we will continue on our whole foods, real food and that is where we can help you.  Real food is what we raise.

We believe that true health starts with a nutritious product that has been grown sustainably with the future in mind.  That is why we holistically farm and raise the animals in a way that conforms to their nature.  We want to help you start and continue your healing journey.  


You will find 100% grass fed cattle, soy-free heritage pork, and soy-free pastured chickens.  


We enjoy what we do and passing along that to our children is important to us.  


Farming for you,


Eric & Ann Kreidermacher and Family


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